Members of the Board

Members of the Board


Mr Thulani MasondoSASAE President

Ms Thulisile MbiliniSASAE Vice-President

Mr Mzomninzi MdladlambaSASAE Secretary

Mr Gavilin DarriesSASAE Treasurer

Dr Vince NdouCommercial/Private Sector Liaison

Ms Lethabo MashaimaiteSASAE Awards Committee

Branch Chairpersons

Ms Thulisile MbiliniEastern Cape Chairperson

Dr Vince NdouKwa-Zulu Natal Chairperson

Mr Ernest MolaolweNorthern Cape Chairperson

Mr Tebogo MothwaFree State Chairperson

Mr Sydney NengudzaCentral Branch Chairperson

Mr Gavilin DarriesWestern Cape Chairperson

Co-Opted Members and Representatives

Mr Mark AnthonyCo-opted Member

Ms Ngele MakhagaCommunications Team

Dr Rene BastianSACNASP Representative

Mr Vongani Shivambu DALLRD Representative

Office Administration

Mrs Kirsty GreenSASAE Secretariat

Ms Boipelo NkwadipoSASAE Secretariat Intern

Prof Jan SwanepoelSAJAE Editor-in-Chief

From left to right:
Ms Thulisile Mbilini, Ms Lethabo Mashamiate, Mr Thulani Masondo, Dr Vince Ndou (Bottom row). Mr Gavilin Darries, Mr Mark Anthony, Mr Mzomninzi Mdladlamba (Top row).

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  • Preferential treatment at conferences, symposia and other meetings convened by SASAE.
  • All members present at SASAE AGM at the time of voting on any SASAE business, except student, institutional, honorary and life members, will have equal rights to vote on such business.
  • Publication of articles in SAJAE free of charge.