“Promoting science and vocation of agricultural extension through our members”
As a leading organisation dedicated to advancing agricultural extension practices in South Africa, we are committed to promoting the vital role of extension services in sustainable agricultural development.
Through our emphasis on professional development, knowledge sharing and collaboration, we strive to empower extension professionals to make a meaningful impact on the agricultural sector. The mission of SASAE is to promote the science and vocation of agricultural extension through its members. Our members consist of various people from the private, corporate and government sectors. SASAE has six branches: KwaZulu Natal, Free State, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and Central Branch, which includes members from Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Gauteng and North West provinces.
The branches form the backbone of SASAE’s service delivery to its members. Branches play a pivotal role in providing members with information from the Board and sharing knowledge through regular symposiums and webinars.
As a strategic partner, SASAE played a pivotal role in developing policies and programmes to enhance the professionalism of the science of Agricultural Extension. The professionalism of the extension sector is achieved through interaction with Extension Officers throughout the spectrum of the public and private sectors, nationally and internationally. SASAE is currently instrumental in having Extensionists registered as professionals under the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP).
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SASAE Memberships
- Preferential treatment at conferences, symposia and other meetings convened by SASAE.
- All members present at SASAE AGM at the time of voting on any SASAE business, except student, institutional, honorary and life members, will have equal rights to vote on such business.
- Publication of articles in SAJAE free of charge.